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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  February 6, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." we've got kind of mixed news on a new obama appointee. that's better than usual. we'll tell you if she's right for interior secretary. we've got a great guest from the sierra club about that, and we have a great guest, a multimillionaire, who is saying raise taxes on the rich.
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don't miss that. and then we have two stories about--one on the cops, and how they're not doing their job in miami. the tape on that is unbelievable. [ sirens ] >> attention all units a 29 just occurred. >> investigators say he never moved. he was tied up with his lady frequent outside of dade land mall. >> cenk: what he didn't respond to is amazing. and then of course the guy who shot two other soldiers because he might have ptsd, he killed the top sniper we ever had. why did he do it, as how bad is ptsd among our troops, you'll find out. it's go time. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> cenk: boy welcome to the
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"the young turks." we have an amaying story to start out with. two miami-dade officers fired and three others suspended. why? it's pretty serious stuff. they were not responding to calls that were dramatic. why? [ sirens ] >> attention all units. a 29 just occurred with a gun cash taken. black male with a black hoodie and blue jeans. he need on foot. >> an armed robbery in progress. >> go ahead and put me on the 15. i'm in the area, and i'll advise when he get to the resident. >> this officer answered the call, but investigators say he never moved, a bit tied up with his lady friend outside of dadeland mall. this his fellow officers forced to take the call. this is the same officer who allegedly blue off a call to
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help an unconscious infant. >> cenk: jesus, man, are there no bound of decency? there are directors who are quite irate about this. it's good to see that director j.d. patterson spoke out. >> when we come to this position 99% of us say we'll serve this community. not pick and choose, it means serve. >> to not answer the call, that's not what we do. >> cenk: that's not obviously what happened, and there will be consequences. we spoke to the police department about it, this is their action to the "the young turks." the actions of these officers unfortunately put some tarnish on the badge of every officer.
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we bring in a former prosecuteor and for police officer. expert indeed. eugene, it's great to have you back on the program. >> it's great to be here. >> cenk: is this common or uncommon across the country. >> it is more common than it should be. when the officer said that 99% of officers take the job for the right reason. that's not always the true. there are great people in the police profession, but far too often the hiring does say if there is nothing else you can do with your life, become a cop. >> cenk: it's a shame to see it that way. i think they were right in their statement. it tarnishes everybody else's job. i saw it on tape.
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those guys aren't doing anything. what went wrong in this instance? why do you think they had an unbelievable lax attitude in that department? >> it's a very bad story to tell. it appears that the management and the people in the middle, the people who should have been supervising weren't supervising. thisacknowledging calls but not going perils your co-workers. it makes you wonder how long it can go on. it does deserve to be said, there are cops all over the country, they don't take their lunch hours, they work late. they come in early. they work 200% all the time. it's a special unique job and cops do great work out there. but again i don't want to make it too simplistic, but it's a
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management and supervision issue but it's a recruitment issue also. >> cenk: i've seen that in every job i've been associated in, people who take it serious and others who loaf off and mutt the work on other people. but when you're a cop and you got kids who can be dying armed robberies, it's not a job you can loaf on. it's a serious issue. you mentioned two possible problems. one stuck out at me, management. it's one thing if you have one bad apple but if a lot of people are doing it, it leads me to believe that someone at top was turning a blind eye to it. >> what is curious in this case, they had what seems to be a lengthy internal investigation and why would you let this go on at the cost of peril to public safety. it was not first-line supervision issue but clearly there should have been people going in there and stopping this
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as soon as it was possibly known. i think there should be draconian results. they are entitled to due process, but this goes to the fundamental core of what it means to be a police officer. this is a profession that is chalk full of great people who take enormous pride in the job and make enormous sacrifices. this cannot be tolerated. there are hundreds and hundreds of police officers who are outraged when they hear about this situation. >> cenk: this is not the normal situation. i've covered this a million and a half times. the cops come and the issue arises when there is too much force. they kick the guy in the head. another cop comes and say, all right, everybody he kicks the guy in the head and he's down and out. we wonder what percentage of cops do that, and what percentage of cops don't. keep it really with me.
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on that issue what is your sense of the state of police in the country? >> well, it's a great question. i think the scandal here is unfortunately brutality gets way too much attention. it needs to be attended to, but the fact is in many police cultures there is no penalty for doing nothing. there is no penalty of getting their ten minutes after everything is over. there is no penalty for making no arrests. there is no penalty of letting other people do the hard work of chasing people. that gets no attention. but it's this videotape culture. it's very often out of context and that grabs the headlines. that's not going to change but the reality is for every act of brutality there is probably bigger issues in some police departments where the cops are basically not responding as quickly as they should, and they're not as serious protecting the public and catching the bad guys.
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>> cenk: eugene, that leads to my my last question, don't these knuckle heads know they're being taped? these people are rolling on cops all the time. how can they continue to do this, and my god what were they doing when we weren't taping them? >> this is what makes you think that it's a culture issue. it's so flagrant, obvious and ongoing with oh no seeming fear that they were under observation. sad but true i think you see this in many professions. right and wrong doesn't do it. you have to have a verifiable system when you have people goofing off and people are involved in massive malpractice like this, you need to identify them and separate them from the organization as soon as you can. >> cenk: professor eugene o'donnell. thank you for joining us on "the young turks"." >> thanks, cenk. >> cenk: we'll talk to you soon. when we come back, we'll go to
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the case of sally jewel. is she better? it's a really interesting question. we'll have someone from the sierra club analyze her record. >> we will drill here and drill now, and now is when you can drill baby drill. yes. drill baby drill. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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[ male announcer ] to many men, shaving can be a sensitive issue. but take comfort. it may not be you; it may be your razor. upgrade to gillette fusion proglide. our micro-thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel to put less stress on your skin by gliding through hair. switch to fusion proglide. number one dermatologist recommended on sensitive skin. and now introducing new fusion proglide sensitive shave gel. gillette. the best a man can get. you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time
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now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> cenk: we've got interesting breaking news for you guys. the justice department will release the classified rationale for drone strikes to congress wow, are they not merciful. that is good news that they will allow the congress to look at the decisions they're making before they execute u.s. citizens without a trial. now. on to mixed news, and we've got an interesting case. the old interior secretary was ken salazar, not a big fan.
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i felt that he favored industry far too much. the new one is sally jewel, who has just been appointed by president obama, of course, pending confirmation. this is a very important position because it controls and maintains thousands of acres gas production, coal production all come from those lands. it's a very important industry situation and public land and resources as well. she's the first woman appointed by obama in his second term to his cabinet. who is she? well, she is an engineer for mobile oil corporation. she was the parole yum egg engineer at raini er bank, and head of commercial banking at washington mutual. she was in banking for 20 years. and she was vice chairman of national park conservation,
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which is good news, and ceo at rei, which is pretty environmental at this conscious. this is pretty good as well. they said this energy background could diminish disapproval in the oil and gas industry which says the obama administration could limit production. that is not true. but that's what they say any way. do you remember this exchange? >> romney: you cut permits in half. >> obama: not true. >> romney: how much did you cut them. production on government land is down 14%. and production on gas is down 9%. >> obama: is it's just not true. >> cenk: well, president obama was correct there. and i would say unfortunately
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because when you look at this chart, how much land that the president has conserved whew, disastrous, not only did clinton clean his clock but so did george w. bush and ronald reagan. he preserved less land for public use than george w. bush. of course, obama likes to break bush's record and go further right, and he did in this case as well and opened up a tremendous amount of land to drill on. i want to bring in a couple of experts, michael shure our political correspondent, and then mark flogl with greenpeace research unit. thank you for joining us. i want to ask you about sally jewel's record. it seems to me that it's a mixed bag. she worked for an oil company and then worked as as a banker,
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which is a prerequisite if you work in the obama administration. she seems like a conservation conservationist. >> she worked for mobile 30 years ago. that was an entry level position. the people she'll deal with in her new position if she's confirmed is a much different kettle of fish. she'll come under pressure to open up public land for oil coal all the fossil fuel industries. >> cenk: do we have an indication of how she's going to react to that? are you in favor or oppose to her? >> well, rei has done coming interesting things on her watch in terms of conservation. but conservation and energy policy are very different things. conservation is about national parks, wild land and things like that. there is a definite part of that at the department of interior.
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but the most important part of they are job is she's now going to be a gatekeeper between fossil fuel industries and it will be very important for her to be a strong gatekeeper and keep the carbon in the ground. because if we get it out of the ground and burn it, we're done. >> cenk: michael, what is your sense here? do we have a sense that she might help keep it in the ground or come on? >> it would be ridiculous of me to say i know exactly what this woman is going to do. i didn't know her name until i woke up this morning. so it's hard, cenk, to say that i know this is what she's going to take orders. >> cenk: how long have you been on tv. you come out and say, this is what is going to happen. >> oh, we're going to talk about jewel. she's going to tough. she's going to make sure that the carbon will stay in the ground. the secretary of interior is
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that. you get that part and the ugly part of the job is you're in charge of protecting the land and finding a balance between protecting the land and appeasing the people who are not concerned with protecting the land. >> cenk: mark, let me read you a quote from bruce babbit. he said, so far under president obama, industry has been winning the race as it obtains more and more land for oil and gas over the past four years the industry has leased more than 6 million acres, compared with only 2.6 million acres permanently protected. what grade would you give president obama on this issue? >> i'll be generous and give him a d-plus. he has opened up way too much off-shore oil and on-shore oil. he has been selling it $1 a ton
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to oversea companies. now they're shipping tons of coal out to asia. in we let that happen, then it's over in terms much global warming, game over. >> cenk: mark, that's interesting. i didn't know that fact. do you have a comparative basis of what do other countries sell coal for? >> well it's kind of hard because of currency fluctuations, and differences in currency, but they're getting much much more for their governmental royalties than we are. they're getting four or five times as much as we are. it's a give away to a bunch of corporations. second, it will cause massive disruption to the communities that that coal is being shipped to. but the most important bottom line is that carbon will go into the atmosphere and exacerbate a
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global warming problem that we're grappling with. it's no longer a problem of the future. it's happening now. we need to deal with it now. whoever occupies the department of interior over the next few years will have a crucial job. not just for people in the united states, but for everyone on earth and not from for now but from this day forward. >> cenk: it's hard to hear what mark is saying and look at these facts and come oh away with any conclusion other than our government is bought and paid for by the guys running the companies. we've given away the coal. it's our coal. we've got an obsession in the gulf coast where we don't charge any royalties for our oil. and then bruce babbit--not bruce babbit but ken salazar who is stepping aside. then they say hey, when you open up the gulf course you have to make sure that you don't have these kind of safety problems. this is his answer.
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these containment systems are a work in progress. both systems currentsly have limitations on water depth and barrel per day containment capability. meaning sad day. >> in salazar's minimum offense he reopened rather than open. he was not the pioneer in gulf drilling. it was uniqued today that president obama in his state of the union this week is that he'll allude that he'll take executive action on climate change. there is no way that his secretary of interior knows about this. if this is a play for the president, it's stands to reason that we give her the benefit of the doubt for now. forget your skepticism which is justified about how money controls this, and appealing to these companies. but if climate change is something that he's going to degrees seriously, we'll have to do it with his secretary of interior. >> cenk: mark, it's an
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interesting point he's bringing up here. do you think--and do you take him at his word that that is a good thing or is that setting up a proven keystone pipeline and he's just throwing that out there to appease people. >> keystone, yes, it's an interesting issue. a lot of that action is over at state right now. but in terms of this country shutting down coal-fireed power plants is pretty easy because there is a natural gas `. the economics of that is pretty easy. if we take that same coal and ship it to asia, and its burned in asia, then the planet gets the same insult. if miss jewel is confirmed she'll have to deal with fracking shell shale gas shale oil and she'll have to push back against that. that means he'll have to push back against the corporations
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who are making donations to both political parties and she'll have to bush push back against the white house she'll have to push back to a president who has not historically not has not been stood up to. >> cenk: president obama does not have a good record in his first term. obviously we're all hoping that he turns it around. i appreciate your expertise mark, michael shure, thank you both. >> thank you. >> cenk: when we come back we have a tragedy of ptsd. one of our troops winds up killing two others in a firing range. you might have heard about this. but the consequence of ptsd, we'll have a veteran here to talk about that. that is a fascinating topic that you might not have heard enough about. >> my brother just came by here. he told me that he committed a murder.
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he said he killed two guys. they went out to a shooting range. he's all crazy. he's psychotic.
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i want the people who watch our show, to be able to come away armed with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. i want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. but it's also about telling them, you're put on this planet for something more. i want this show to have an impact beyond just informing. an impact that gets people to take action themselves. as a human being, that's really important. this is not just a spectator sport. >> cenk: by thou you might have heard the story of eddie ray routh, the guy who went to a gun range to deal with some issues that he had perhaps ptsd, and he went with former navy seal sniper chris kyle. actually the most decorated sniper in u.s. history with 160
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kills he had in battle. four tours in iraq that he had. also shot and killed were chad littlefield. in fact, we have the 911 call "abc news" acquired it. when eddie ray routh went to his sister's house and had just shot those guys. here is that call. >> 911 what's your emergency? >> yes, ma'am, my brother just came by here. he told me that he committed a murder. >> laura blevins was terrified for her life. in just released 911 tapes she frantically says that her brother eddie ray routh had shown up at her texas home saturday and made a startling confession. >> he said that he killed two guys they went to a shooting range. he's all crazy. he's psychotic. >> the 25-year-old former marine snapped, turning his gun on two men at shooting practice with him. >> he was recently diagnosed with ptsd. >> okay, okay. >> he's been acting weird.
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>> routh now stands accused of taking the life of a war hero who was one of the country's most decorated snipers. routh's family is convinced the same illness he was being treated for is also what caused him to snap. >> let me give you some numbers in this country. after the post 9/11 wars. 163-4569 veterans, and 745,481 filed disability claims. of those 834,463 are iraq and afghanistan war veterans, and 247,234 have been diagnosed with ptsd. those getting treatment, of the
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237,000, 137,911 are receiving disability. which means 44% are still not getting benefits. that's a huge concern. we have an expert here to talk to us about this weapon blas schuster villalobos, a former marine who served in iraq. he returned from war with post traumatic stress disorder. do we know is this is what triggered happened? >> no, we don't. we know what the news has shown us but it sounds like he may have been diagnosed with ptsd from what his brother-in-law said but we're not sure. >> cenk: ron paul got in a lot of trouble say live by the sword, die by the sword, but treatment for ptsd at a gun
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range may not have been the best idea. that's a fair point. >> it does. it depends on who you ask. not one of the probably best or most common treatments for ptsd. >> cenk: yeah, so it changes your brain to some degree, ptsd. i want to help people. we sent these guys in battle. 44% of them are still not getting benefit. all the ribbons on the cars to support the troops, not so much any more while we have to pay for it. on the other hand, i got to be honest with you i'm a little bit scared with these guys with ptsd running around. am i wrong. >> no, you're correct. one of the things that my organization does in order to treat ptsd, to help veterans who are coming back from iraq and are dying from ptsd, we have a
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program at our long beach site. this is for iraq and afghanistan veterans who are diagnosed with ptsd and are homeless. we have services and psychologists on site. we have l lcsw. we went above and beyond that, and we have a program called "outside the wires." what we do is we send a psychologist as well as interns in the l.a. area, and we provide mental health services to them and their families. >> you also have a history with post traumatic stress disorder? >> yes, i do. >> cenk: how has that been? do you feel differently from before you had it? >> it is different. you notice that when family members are asking you what is going on. i, myself, am divorced.
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i can tell you as a result of my ptsd there may have been issues that came up that led to my divorce. but early treatment is the key. treating these guys as soon as they come back, as soon as they're diagnosed with ptsd so we can catch them early on and give them an opportunity to move on with their lives. >> cenk: when you say issues in the marriage, was it temper issue, and number one. and number two if it was, do you feel that you have more of a temper? >> no, in my case was mostly the nightmares, not understanding why i had a short fuse. did i have a temper at some point. i realized that i had a problem with ptsd while i was going through school and i took a ptsd class. i learned more about it and identified some of the things i was going through. during that process i decided to go to the v.a. and seek treatment. >> cenk: how does early
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treatment help. this is what i want to end on. how does it help. >> the minute someone is diagnosed with ptsd or the minute a family member or friend starts to see some changes with a veteran, and they realize that the veteran may be experiencing ptsd symptoms, and they refer them to the v.a. or agency that provides mental health treatment you catch them early on. you receive therapy, all the things that the veteran needs in order to overcome the symptoms, educate the family and friend, and help him or her deal with the problems that are associated with ptsd. >> cenk: it seems like in almost every instance early treatment is better. this is a case where funding matters. if if we can get more people to be aware of the situation and get more people benefits i think that will help. >> absolutely. >> cenk: thank you so much for fighting a good fight here back at home as well. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> cenk: now when we come back, we've got a multimillionaire who
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is going to be on the show. he doesn't want lower taxes. he wants higher taxes. why? he's pushing the middle out strategy for improving the economy, it makes so much sense even the president is beginning to talk about it. he did during the campaign. we'll talk about it with nick hanour when we come back. >> we're a nation of doers and dreamers and we work hard. i believe that the way you grow the economy is from the middle out. [ ♪ music ♪ ] yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that's how you do it. easy. ♪ ♪
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>> obama: i believe that the way you grow the economy is from the middle out. i believe in fighting for the middle class because if they're prospering, all of us will prosper. that's the idea of america. that's why america is the greatest nation on earth. >> cenk: that was an ad in the middle of the campaign, and when i saw that, i thought wow that's fascinateing.
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middle out. that's a phrase that people have started to use. instead of trickle down economics. instead ofone of the guys who came up with that idea is nick thanoure, an american entrepreneur. he wrote this. the problem with today's severe concentration of wealth, then, isn't that it's unfair, though it might be, it's that it kills middle class demand. lasts growth doesn't trickle down. it emerges from the middle out. he's entirely right on that, and the president picked up on that theme and he won re-election. that's something. nick hanour. how are you nick? >> i'm great, cenk, how are you? >> cenk: terrific. so tell me a little bit more
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about this middle-out idea that the president began to use in his rhetoric. >> well, for 30 years since reagan, the country has been in a grip of this sort of silly economic. orthodoxy that the way you build an economy is from the top down. basically the trickle down economics idea, that if the rich get richer, that would be good for the economy and good for everyone. as a consequence we built the economy around that idea. the corollary of that idea is that rich business people are job creators. if you give them tax cuts, that they'll create more jobs. of course, if there was a shred of truth in that, we would be drowning in jobs today. another corollary is if corporations become more profitable they'll create more jobs. that cannot also be the case.
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unemployment should be at a 40-year high or 50 year high if that was true. all of this is ridiculous, and it turns out in a capitalist economy, growth and prosperity really does originate with the middle class. if this thrives they buy things from people like me, capitalizes, and we hire and profit. in a cycle of increasing returns for everyone. in that sense middle-out economics has never not worked in capitalist societies, and trickle down is a disaster. >> cenk: i'm going to take it one step further. i'm going to show you d-15. this is it my favorite chart in "the young turks" history. productiveity versus hourly compensation and hourly wage. you see the yellow line is productivity and it's sky high, but wages stagnate starting basically in 1980. then you have one more chart
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here it's profits versus wages: when i look at those charts, nick, i think we appear to be getting robbed. >> yes. yes. so the trickle down people would tell you that these charts represent the inevitability of economics. that's absolute nonsense. what those charts represent is a change in power. what happened over the last 30 years is that owners, people like me, got much more powerful. and workers got much less powerful. and as a consequence the split between--the split of the value created by american enterprises has mostly gone to owners and senior managers and none of it is going to workers any more. and as a consequence wages have
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stagnated for 30 years and it has been a catastrophe. >> cenk: look, what do you think are the number one reasons? anyone who watches this show knows that i think it's money in politics. what is the most important factor? >> i think money in politics the capture of the government by moneyed interest is a big part of it. i'm somewhat less cynical than you are in the sense that i think there are lots and lots of well-meaning people. by the way on the right and the left, who have sort of had their brains hijacked by this idea, that they legitimately believe if they begin someone like me a tax break it will be good for them. that's just a profound confusion. you know, high progressive--high levels of progressive taxation aren't bad for the economy but essential for the economy because that's what allows us to invest in the middle class. that's what allows us to convert
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poor families that we have to support into mild class families that drive the economy. >> cenk: you know, my theory on that, nick, is that people believe what they want to believe. a lot of these politicians get get paid to believe that trickle down politics work because that's what their donors want. >> there is no doubt that that's true. >> cenk: i think we agree on that as a concept. you said something on npr. our producers found it, back in december of 2011. i want to play it for you and then get your response. >> object the idea that i'm advocating high taxes for myself and other people because i'm a good person or because i love you. let me be clear. i do not love you. i value you as a potential customer and we have rigged the economic system in a way to destroy my customer base. >> cenk: so are you saying here that what they've done is actually not only hurting the middle class and the rest of the
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country, but they're actually hurting themselves, these guys who are controlling the politicians, etc. >> absolutely. it's a tragedy a common problem. as capitalists relentlessly pursue their self interest, they're impoverishing their customer base, and hence the entire country. the most pro-business thing you can do is to invest in the middle class and the poor. the more customers that people like me have the better off we all will be. this is sort of the opposite of the conventional orthodox conventional thinking. but it's just obviously the case. there are no prosperous economies in the world than the do have a relatively high median wage. you don't find great companies in countries where you have a few rich people and everyone else is poor. you know, great enterprises are
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created by robust middle classes. you know so it's just--we've just gone down this unbelievably silly road. >> cenk: finally, tell me the difference between the machine brain and the garden brain, as you call it. >> well, yes our book is the garden of democracy. it's a book about understanding the world in new ways. for a very long time we in the west have had this very sort of mechanickistic linear view of how systems work, economics understanding economies is perfectly efficient and rationale. rational. it turns out we're dead wrong. with scientific certainty it's complex, adaptive and ecosystemmic. when you understand it in those ways you come to an entirely different conclusion to how you optimize to make it work.
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the example is the mechanickist idea that you can pour money in and prosperity will squirt out like donuts. and then it's a feedback loop and it's the middle class who are the true job creators in a cappallistic economy. >> cenk: thank you for trying to enlighten not just the country but fellow rich folks in figuring out you're going the wrong way. >> trying, trying, they're rowing the wrong way. >> cenk: thank you, nick. we appreciate it. >> thanks so much, cenk, i appreciate being here. >> cenk: we'll take a quick break. when we come back did the movie "lincoln" get a couple of things wrong? we'll explain what was wrong in the movie when we return.
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>> cenk: all right, we're back on "the young turks." cenk uygur, michael shure. i'm laughing because i'm giving fashion advice to these people. >> cenk: almost like the supreme court of fashion from you. >> cenk: of all people. i think michael's outfit is more of a summer outfit. >> but you said complimentary. >> cenk: yes the had a couple of factual errors in it. this is a scene that i love. >> how can i believe that men
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are created equal when here is standing speaking the man from ohio that some men are inferior, endowed with dimwits and cold slime in their veins instead of hot, red blood. you are more reptile than man george. >> how dare you. >> cenk: how dare you! michael, talk to me. >> in that clip as you saw. you had him talking in ways, speaking in ways that you don't hear generally in congress any more. in 1880 there was a change in decorum and rules of civility where you had to address one another through the chair through the senate. they say mr. president they're generally speaking to someone in that seat. when you see that scene you're not going to see that kind of behavior.
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but there have been people who have broken that. robert dorham from california once called someone from the wimp and grabbed them by the jacket and started shaking them. there have been times when this has been broken. >> cenk: was it a june jacket like yours. >> that's why. he was wearing a wimp june jacket in february. >> cenk: how about connecticut. >> in connecticut, this is something of an issue that is coming up the congress from connecticut. look, when they take the vote in the movie they say the people, the two senators from connecticut are seen voting against the amendment and connecticut wanted to be on the record saying, way way mr. spielberg, connecticut was in support of this. >> cenk: when i saw the movie i thought, really? i'm not trying to brag or anything but connecticut voted-- >> there were four of them who voted, and all of them voted.
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>> cenk: it's a strange error. the tommy lee jones thing is not an error but that voting was an error. >> they wanted to apologize for the error. i did not see the movie but as i saw that clip people from pennsylvania would be upset from the way their preparative was depicted. that hairstyle was ridiculous. [ laughing ] >> cenk: he fought so hard to defeat slavery but the wig? >> 102 years from now people may turn the television on and see your hair and say that man from missouri has got to apologize about the layer style. what the hell. >> cenk: i think we all have questionable hairstyles. ashley judd might run for senator against mitch mcconnell. what's funny is she's only four points down. karl rove's super pac has started running an online ad against her.
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>> you know this country really needs? someone who shares our values. someone from out of state who understands us hillbillies. >> i don't know about hillbillies who golf. >> her own grandmother said she's a hollywood liberal but isn't that what we need? ashley judd, an obama-following hollywood radical who is right at home here in tennessee, i mean kentucky. >> cenk: they're scared of her. >> definitely. i love when conservative ads look like "snl" skits. you can't tell if that's a joke, but it's real, they didn't have much to bash her other than the fact that she's a hollywood liberal, so what. >> and she lives in kentucky but from tennessee or lebanese in tennessee but from kentucky. that's what i meant. the other thing when karl rove's super pac pack backs you that's a
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disaster. this is great news for ashley judd. >> cenk: not so good for mitch mcconnell. how awesome would it be if ashley judd beat mitch mcconnell. >> the only way this tennessee versus kentucky thing makes sense is in college basketball. everyone else is saying i can't believe this. >> cenk: we'll be right back with one last point.
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